Saturday 1 August 2009

Random Good Stuff/Funnies

So I've found just random things in Prague that I must comment on.. here are a few:

All of the bathrooms I've encountered have had some weird little picture on the door to distinguish between male and female. I haven't really seen too many bathrooms that have a simple Men/Women signs. They have some really funny figurines and displays. The first one I encountered was pretty graphic I thought- a little boy pissing and a little girl sitting down. Well I guess it gets right down to the point. If you can pee standing up... go in this door, if you have to sit down go into this door. I had to do a double take on it when I first saw it at Jarmark- the restaurant at the metro station with the beer taps in the middle of the table. Then I saw it again at a little cafe in the center. It's like both of them are trying soo hard.. their squinting! haha
The next one is just freakin hilarious!! They have the "stick"figure people but its such a huge display on the door with a ridiculous action. We saw this at a cafe at the metro station- Deja Vu- which has become one of our favorite after school hang outs-- mainly because we can receive the KFC internet in there. Entitle: I really can't hold it! Enjoy!
So --- EVERYBODY in Prague has a freakin dog!! Most of them don't walk them on a leash which makes me think that they are probably really well behaved! Except this one time when I was walking back from the metro station in the evening and a woman was walking her little puppy which was on a leash. I was a few feet behind her and all of a sudden I saw this big black dog heading straight for the woman and her dog. The woman was so afraid and gasped and as a reflex pulled UP on the leash (attempting to save her dog from being attacked) but actually lifted her dog up off the ground by the leash! The poor dog was being choked! hahahahah.. I was just stunned for a moment and tried to assess the situation- I'm not a fan of big dogs anyway.. but then I finally came up to them and yelled at the dog to get away. The woman was panicking but she found the owner later and started bitching at him in Czech.. soo weird what you see on the walk home!

When we were in the center by the Astronomical clock.. everyone was crowding around this man- not looking at the clock at all. We were wondering what was going on.. so we managed our way through.. and saw them holding a dog. I looked and I yelled "That is NOT a dog! That's a freakin wolf!!" My friends were interested and talked to the owner and learned that it was actually HALF WOLF and half dog! AHhhhhh Creepy!

BEST BEER EVER!! Kozel-- I think you pronounce it like gozel the dark kind is delicious!

Amazing food everywhere.. and I love the presentation of it all! Very nice! (I'll try to add more later.. I have to work on an assignment now!)

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