Sunday 2 August 2009


I'm so sad that there hasn't been that much going on for me to really comment on. The course sucks! It's a lot of work. This upcoming week (August 3-7) I have 2 assignments and 2 lessons to plan for. I finally finished one assignment (that needs a great deal of revision) so I feel like I can reward myself by making a new entry in the blog. This weekend I didn't do much but just went to Jarmark with friends after school on Friday and drank the delicious Kozel beer. Me and Elise (girl in the picture) were the only ones that were up to go out and take advantage of a night of no school work. we went to the same place we went to Friday-24th so that was fun. I'd rather talk about the 24th's experiences since I have pictures of it... so here it goes.

Friday- 24th
After giving a shitty lesson on the use of "can/can't" and "have to/don't have to" and getting royally chewed out by Shaun -the asshole tutor I have and director of the whole god damn operation... I was desperately needing a drink.. or rather.. MANY drinks. Everybody was pretty much in that mood of letting loose and finally relaxing. We met up with everyone and I.P. Pavlova where a girl from the course- Elise told us to meet up. She's a really cool girl- only 19! but has been living in Prague for a year now. She had some favorite places to hit up, so we all trusted her to take us on a night out in the town! We went to this place called Heaven I believe and it was a pretty cool atmosphere there. That's the place me and Elise went to again by ourselves a couple nights ago. They have pretty good music and have some decent looking men. It was packed with people. This black dude just popped into our picture. The only guy that came out with us is this guy-Tim. He's in the next picture. He has a British accent.. but defiantly wants us to say he has an English accent since there are many different between all the nations of Great Britain.. uggh whatever. Everybody was pretty pooped after this place and wanted to go home- it was around 2am anyways.

Of course, me Elise and this girl Crystal (three of us down below) still wanted to keep going. So we decided to check out this club called Mecca and see what it was like. Elise had never been there, but I was up for just trying something new. If it sucked.. we'd just go home. Well it was pretty far to get there. We took trams and busses (all without a ticket) until we arrived and realized it was totally dead. I mean the music was ridiculously loud where it was straight techno and you can feel your heart pumping out of your chest. I had to pee really bad when I got there, so as we were crossing the dance floor to the lieu, a guy grabbed me and pushed me up against a wall to dance with me! I was like wtf.. but then I looked at his face and discovered he was actually quite nice looking. That's the most action I've had this whole trip! But I decided it was too weird.. and I still had to pee really bad.. so I told him I have to go-- didn't see him the rest of the night.. :(

We came back up and looked around and noticed that we were the ONLY ladies out on the dance floor! Every single person in the club was a dude! We were contemplating whether we stumbled into a gay bar? But guys were talking to us and dancing with us so it didn't seem like it was. Just really strange! A guy Elise was talking to- very French looking- shoulder length black hair, tall, open button up white shirt was really into Elise.. but then his friend (man-friend) came up behind him and put his arm around his chest- giving him a hug but from behind.. ummmmmm weird!

We just stayed there.. danced for a bit.. called it quits and took the MORNING metro home! The metro closes at midnight and opens again at 5am! It was 530am when I got home and I slept in and started working on my assignments the rest of the weekend!

Now back to this weekend..(31st-2nd)-- not much development except Friday night with me and Elise that I already mentioned at the beginning. Met some guys.. Canadian guys. Nice-- danced.. whatever haha..

My lessons went great this week at least and I'm hoping for a repeat this next week when we change teaching levels. I had pre-intermediate before which was REALLY hard because I had to grade my language and not say complicated instructions! Next week I get upper-intermediate which is cool cuz I can actually talk to them and not have to be patronizing. But-- the bad side- my first lesson is grammar- first conditional and future time clauses-- WTF?? Friday my lesson with the pre-intermediate was How to Write a Postcard! hahaha so this is a huge change! So ok.. I need to get back to work now! I'll probably update next weekend!

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