Wednesday 19 August 2009

Celta Course is OVER!- Pt. 2

So again.. the course is over which is fantastic... however, this also means that all the friends I just made are leaving! Boo! Friends that are staying or are Czech residents anyway include: Fran, Stephanie, Lenka, Alena, and possibly Sophie. At least I got a good home base of friends and then everyone else I'll just have to visit ;) that's fine with me- I'll have a couch to crash on in every major country! (In the right photo- Fabrizio (deep voiced Italian) and Galina (gorgeous Russian dancer))

So we had our last nights together as a group. Everybody got crazy last friday night. Many people were leaving the first thing the next morning so we had to go out with a bang. Well we all met up at Rodust at I.P. Pavlova- really cool swanky lounge bar. I felt so bad.. I made Lenka take a shot with me because she never drinks with any of us.. and I see why now. She had taken a shot earlier in the night and I guess this one sent her over the edge- when she drinks her body physically hurts. I've never seen that before- like instantly we take the shot with Tim and she couldn't move off the bar stool. We were like what's wrong? And she just said that she can't walk- it hurts! Oh my gosh.. I will never make her drink again! Sorry Lenka!

Downstairs is a dance floor- all black walls and really techno-e music. This is a nice group shot of all of us at least.

It was cool.. we were all just trying to have a good time and relax. I took a shot of absinthe with Sophie and that was the nastiest shit of my life. I've taken it before in Portugal.. but I feel like this was waaay harsher. We were all trying to get drunk because honestly I was soo stressed out the whole course that I couldn't physically get drunk! Every time we would go out.. I'd drink like a fish and I would feel nothing! So we were determined that night! But again.. all that alcohol and I was only feeling a minor buzz. oh well..

It was the last night the the three of us roomies were going to be together.. aww! Everyone kinda pooped out of Rodust cuz they couldn't stand the music anymore and went home. But of course the 3 of us roomies with Elise and Sophie's friend Kim had to make our way to Nebe which seems to always be the after party hangout. We danced there to actually good music and headed home.

Next day with my roommates gone I made it down to old town to meet up with some other friends who were in town for one more night. I finally got to see the dancing house. This looks really strange but it's modeled after Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire- I thought that was really cool! I wanted to take a picture in front of it with a boy doing a waltz dance but there was nobody with me.. aww!

We walked around and went to a hookah bar. I've never smoked hookah or anything in my life! But this time.. the sheesha was non-tobacco so I was like.. hmmm ok.. I'm gonna try it. It was kind of interesting. The hookah tube that you suck the air out of was a snakes head! It was really creepy to do. But I was surprised when I inhaled it- it was actually really refreshing! Like minty and just cooled my throat down. Very strange.

So we did that for a while and then walked along the river at night.. And Oh WOW.. the sites of the castle with the river are just amazing. It really made me want to be there with someone special. It was just the perfect place to sit along and cuddle. Just gorgeous. So we wanted to drink somewhere along the river.. so along one of the bridges- by staromestka station, there's a bar pretty much on the bridge next to the river. We got the castle view and delicious drinks-- what more do you need?

So we decided to go a little crazy the rest of the night and go out with a bang cuz some of the girls were leaving the next day. We found a bar next to the Mustek station and had tequila shots! So crazy.. Elise- knows how to make an absinthe shot but doesn't know how to shoot tequila.. so funny! When she took it.. she fell in love with it too! We all went out for a ladies night and found a bar called Americo something- and the placed was packed with "pub crawl" people- tourists who pay certain amount of money to go around to different bars with a huge group of people and get free drinks at each place-- you have to wear a specific shirt though while in the club to get the drink. We were really tempted to do that.. but they were meeting at 830 and that was too early for us.

So the music wasn't the greatest... but for some reason everyone was dancing and just having a great time! everyone all loosened up! We even danced on the table where- oh yea btw- a topless dancer was dancing! She had a bikini top and kept taking it on and off.. so weird!

So it got really hot in there and so we all decided to take a break outside on the curb- just sat down lookin like a bunch of hookers lol! Soo many people came up to us then. Lots of stag parties walking by.. and one group of Dutch guys stopped by and talked to us. The bachelor was wearing a horse costume-- really strange.. and his friend I was talking to was holding the whip! I thought that was soo sad and the bachelor showed me his scars from the whip! Poor guy! So I grabbed the whip from him and they were like have a go at it.. so I just whipped the air. But they insisted I whip the bachelor! I really didn't want to hurt him so I just lightly whipped him-- I couldn't even make it crack.. But Janette saw me doing it and she wanted to have a go at it too and really cracked it on the guy! Haha she is the last person I would expect to have fun doing that! haha But it was a great night! We met these other Italian dudes-- really hot! And went to another club with them but ended up going home shortly after. Fun night!!

Now we've just been chilling around Prague- meeting for drinks and hanging out. I moved into Janette's flat for a couple nights and last night everyone came over here for a family dinner and drinks and we played cards. That was awesome.. I love it when everyone is together just relaxing!

Tomorrow morning I'm going to Vienna to see one of my favorite people in the world-- Seth!! I'm soo excited! He's doing a tour through Europe and he's going to be in vienna for a couple of days. Since I have nothing else to do and vienna is only 20 euros away- I'm off to see him! Can't wait! That's going to definitely be worth blogging over!

1 comment:

  1. omg sooo jealous! i wanna be in vienna with you guys!!
