Saturday 18 July 2009


I took Air France to Paris. I was sat in an aisle seat in the front of a section where the flight attendants had their setting up area. So the entire flight I had flight attendants and people who were going to the bathroom knocking into me. Wonderful. The flight attendants were very VERY playful with eachother. There were 2 really hot stewards (is that what you call them?). All the stewardesses kept throwing packets of sugar and crap at them. Then when I went up to go to the bathroom, the stewardess tried to squirt water at the steward and he got out of the way and the water got on me!! wow.. that was interesting! haha but the flight wasn't that bad. I watched I Love You, Man and 17 again so that made the time pass by quickly.

I got to Paris and I only got about an hour and a half of sleep. I was soo tired but I had a 9 hour layover before I got to leave for Prague. So of course I had to go see the Eiffel Tower. So I asked the hot steward what the best way was for me to get there and he was really helpful. I took the B line to St. Michel/Notre Dame and then the C line to the Tower.. however C line was closed when I got there so I took M-10 to Bir-Hakeim and walked to the Tower. I could see the Tower as I was coming in from the train.

There was such a long line at the Tower that I didn't think I would have time to go up. Plus how lame is it that I would go up there alone! I already felt dumb taking pictures of myself in front of the tower and having to ask people to take a picture of me. But it was soo hot and I was soo tired that I couldn't find the energy to stay out there long. I crossed the bridge and these black guys kept trying to sell stuff to me. This one guy tried selling to me and I said no and he was like something something something in French.. sexy and winked and pursed his lips! uggh why do all the black guys always do that to me!?

But anyways.. there were a lot of hot guys there though. But it was the city of romance and love and I was there by myself! I bought a panini at a stand across from the tower and ate it on a bench in a park by the water fountains. It was beautiful. I was sweating like crazy all day so it was nice to take up some shade and relax and watch people. I finally decided I should head towards the metro again and I decided to have a beer at a little restaurant I saw by the metro. The waiter was seating me and I said just 1, and he looked at me funny and said "where' the other one?" --- to make me feel even worse!!! jerk! lol

I sat outside and people watched and found a couple of guys that had some ridiculous capri pants on. I took pictures of a couple of them because I knew Seth would appreciate them. He bought some of these ridiculous pants so that he wouldn't look like a tourist when he came out to Europe. The first guy I saw was the most ridiculous because they were very tight jean capri pants up to his knees and then they flared out like 70s style but they cut off mid-calve. Unfortunately I couldn't pull my camera out fast enough to catch it, but here are some pictures of other men with that kind of style of pant.

I had to head back to the airport because I was going to fall asleep right there at the cafe. I took the train back and OH MY GOSH-- it was the hottest ride of my life!! No vents for some reason and I was boiling. I somehow fell asleep anyways and woke up right at the airport in a pile of my own sweat. I felt really bad for whoever was going to sit next to me on the plane- I forgot to put an extra body spray in my bag! I got to the airport 3 hours before the plane was going to leave. Found my gate and tried to sleep as comfortably as I could. Finally got on the plane and yay the seat next to me was empty!! woo hoo! Next Stop-- PRAGUE!!


  1. Ha ha... nice blog. Keep the posts coming.

  2. hey bindi, i like this diarie blog of yours, keep us posted,
